Her long career in education began in a one-room schoolhouse.
t age 19, before completing her degree at UNH, Doris Grady was already teaching in a one-room schoolhouse in Biddeford, Maine. Her annual salary was $1,440. The experience influenced her throughout her teaching career and subsequent 20 years on the Dover (New Hampshire) school board.
“As a teacher she always set high standards for what could be accomplished in the classroom,” says her daughter Patty Dewhirst. “Later, during her tenure as a school board member, she saw all sides of the issue of balancing the tax base with the needs of the students and reasonable salaries for teachers.” Over the years, while acknowledging that times had changed, Doris always maintained that the classroom dynamic between teacher and students remained more important than an abundance of technological bells and whistles.
When Doris passed away on Oct. 14, 2019, at age 96, she had spent 73 years in education, including more than 50 in Dover public schools. She received Retired Teacher of the Year recognition at the New Hampshire Excellence in Education Awards Ceremony in 2009 and again in 2018.
Over the decades, she taught elementary, middle and high school and was fondly remembered by her students — many of whom would recognize and greet her long after they left her classroom.
Her mother made a lasting impression, says Patty, because students knew she had their best interests at heart. That included free tutoring. “There was always somebody sitting at our kitchen table getting extra help,” her daughter says.
Doris rarely sat still, and even on playground duty she played catch or jumped Double Dutch — once, so vigorously that she fractured several vertebrae.
Her family, which also included her late husband Edmond and daughter Maureen, were awed by Doris’s boundless enthusiasm. In addition to classroom teaching, tutoring and teaching Sunday school, for years she was the bookkeeper for her father’s store and worked there during school vacations.
Summers found her planning trips to the beach. In winter it was ice skating. “She was always doing something and always made sure our car was packed with cousins and any neighborhood kids who wanted to come along,” says Patty. Doris was a Girl Scout leader and assistant cheerleading coach and sewed all of her daughters’ clothes and cheerleading uniforms.
A talented horsewoman, Doris kept a sleigh when her daughters were growing up and gave sleigh rides to everyone in the neighborhood. In addition, “She had an open-door policy for dinner,” says Patty. “Anyone who showed up around mealtimes got fed.” That included hired hands who sometimes slept in the tack room of the family’s barn until they found permanent housing.
For years Doris and a friend raced into the frigid Atlantic in April and October and made a game of running in a day earlier each year, reflecting a tolerance to cold that dated back at least as far as 1942. That was when Doris participated in a winter program to prepare female students for possible service in the women’s armed forces auxiliaries, which entailed exercising on the snow-covered UNH campus in T-shirts and shorts. The program piqued the interest of the editors of “Life” magazine, who sent famed photographer Alfred Eisenstaedt to Durham. The seven-page story and accompanying photographs of 650 coeds doing calisthenics in sub-zero temperatures intrigued a Hollywood producer, and in January 1943 the women repeated their workouts in front of movie cameras. In an article about the program published in a 2010 issue of UNH Magazine, Doris observed that as a former phys-ed major she “really thrived on it.”
Whatever was happening, Doris always wanted to be an active participant and not just stand around. “When I had children of my own,” says Patty, “I often wondered where she had found all that energy.”

He possessed a strong work ethic and an engaging sense of humor.
hen a scholarship made Art Grant’s dream of a college education come true, he took full advantage of the opportunity. Joining the staff of The New Hampshire, he gained his first experience in journalism, a career he would pursue for many years.
At UNH, Art met Lovertia Anne (Dee) Chase ’68, who left school to marry him in December 1951. He served in the Air Force during the Korean War, and later in the Air Force Reserve and the Air National Guard. He returned to UNH in 1963, working first in public relations and then as special assistant to two presidents and as director of administrative services before becoming secretary of the University System of New Hampshire (USNH). At the same time, Dee resumed her studies, earning her degree while raising the couple’s four children. “Art was often the silent guiding hand which kept things working for UNH and USNH, without notice or fanfare,” says friend Bradford Cook ’70, a Manchester attorney.
In remarks delivered at Art’s funeral, former USNH chancellor Ed MacKay recalled that he also served three terms on the Durham town council, always pitching in on town events and seeing them through to completion.
Colleagues on the town council and at UNH appreciated Art’s sense of humor as well as his work ethic. When the council named his favorite dog-walking route the W. Arthur Grant Circle, “Several of us congratulated him on the recognition,” Ed recalls. Art’s response was, “It’s no big deal, a circle is a road to nowhere!”
Lighthearted jokes were Art’s way of helping build a sense of community at UNH. Many mornings he sat in the Dunlap Center, the former USNH office out on Route 4, chatting with friends. Other friends “would enter that sacred space at the risk of being subject to some good-natured comments,” says Ed, adding that Art’s gentle teasing reinforced the sense of them all being part of an organizational family.
Art’s courtly manners toward women sometimes seemed at odds with the programs he established to encourage women to pursue nontraditional careers, says daughter Rebecca McCutcheon. She remembers him advising her, “Never let anyone tell you that you can’t do something just because you’re a woman!” even as he was helping her with her coat. “We may never have entirely broken him of calling women ‘gals,’” she says, “but he turned out to be pretty feminist when it mattered.”
Together with Dee, who died in 2015, Art raised three daughters, Rebecca, Jennifer ’82 and Jeannie Crocker ’78, as well as a son, the late William A. Grant Jr.’81. He enjoyed caring for their circa 1860s New England home, but painting one side of the structure per painting season was “like painting the Eiffel Tower,” jokes his son-in-law Dave McCutcheon — especially since he didn’t accept help beyond stabilizing a ladder. “It was almost as if your helping him would get the job done sooner than he wanted.”
The mischievous side that Art’s colleagues so enjoyed stayed with him after he and Dee moved to Havenwood Heritage Heights, a Concord retirement community. Among his pranks was gifting a neighbor with a Christmas decoration that Jeannie says could most charitably be called “unusual.” After making sure his friend was away, Art went to his porch, unfurled the lighted spiral tube that vaguely resembled a Christmas tree, and gleefully plugged it in.
Art died on Aug. 2, 2019. In a memoir left for his family, he wrote about the “tree” and other hijinks, adding that “Jeannie was extremely concerned that Mom and I would get booted out of the retirement community.” Reverend Michelle DeCoste, Havenwood’s director of spiritual care and education and one of the ministers at Art’s funeral, assured the gathering that he was beloved by the staff and that would never have happened. “He noticed those who worked hard and engaged those who are usually in the background,” she said. “He paid attention to those who did not get their due and showered them with his love and attention.”
That was quintessential Art, building a sense of community to the end.

In her short life she accomplished much and was admired by all who knew her.
hen Jaime Gault’s lupus worsened in her 30s, one of her priorities was to explain the disease to her two sons, Jack and Sam. Realizing that other children with an ill mother might have similar questions, she joined with friends Molly McCabe and Nicole Lawry to co-author and self-publish a children’s book, “The Fairy and the Wolf.” The wolf in the story is lupus, while the fairy is a mom staying positive and happy despite the challenges of the disease, explains Jaime’s mother, Lynn Carpenter Smith ’02.
Jaime was a positive person since childhood. She was “a bright and shining star,” says Lynn, a kind and gentle person who loved her family and many friends, and especially enjoyed family vacations at Lake Sunapee with her brother, Jesse, and her many cousins.
Jesse says that his sister may have been the best athlete in the family — which says a lot given that their late father, Guy Smith ’74, was a professional hockey player and UNH Athletics Hall of Fame inductee, and he is a professional golfer. “She was a great athlete and competitor, but she was an even better person,” says Jesse. “She was one of the kindest, most caring and fun people I have ever been around, and I was lucky enough to have her as a sister and best friend.”
At Durham’s Oyster River High School, Jaime captained the soccer and tennis teams and achieved All-State honors in both sports. She graduated from UNH with honors and married Christian Gault ’94 in 2004. The couple lived in Portland, Oregon, where she enjoyed the beauty of the state and the opportunities it presented for outdoor life — even when those took her “way beyond her comfort level” says Christian. Hunting and fishing with him often required her wearing camouflage and waders but “she was a trooper about my outdoor activities,” he says. As a family the Gaults enjoyed traveling together, most recently to national parks, including Zion and Yellowstone.
Her proudest accomplishments in life were her two sons. “Her eyes would light up whenever she saw those boys, and she would do anything for them,” says Christian. “She was a wonderful mother and wife.” She was very active in Jack and Sam’s sports and school activities, often volunteering for both. Her fierce competitive side could be seen and heard from the sidelines of her sons’ games.
In addition to caring for her family, she was active in several lupus organizations and worked as a research assistant for the National Indian Child Welfare Association. The organization sets federal requirements in child custody proceedings involving a Native American child, with the goal of keeping the child with a Native American relative whenever possible. She felt a strong commitment to the organization and its goals, based in part on her own heritage. Her father was Mohawk from Six Nations of the Grand River Territory, where that side of the family still resides.
Jaime passed away from complications of lupus on May 26, 2019. More than 400 mourners attended her celebration of life in Oregon, and an additional 700 plus attended a service at Oyster River. At last year’s annual Walk to End Lupus Now in Portland, several friends established a “Jaime’s Army” to raise money in her memory. It came as no surprise to the family and friends who dearly love and miss her that the group was the event’s top fundraiser.
David S. Andrew
professor emeritus of art history and humanities
June 1, 2019
professor emeritus of anthropology
May 14, 2019
Lewis E. Knight
professor emeritus of mathematics
Sept. 6, 2019
Rita Fecteau Cole ’42
Dec. 17, 2018
Caroline L. Adnoff Stein ’43
Nov. 19, 2018
Phyllis Follansbee Blissell ’44
Sept. 1, 2019
Marilyn Whitcomb Fenno ’44
June 29, 2019
Doris I. Cooper McClintock ’44
May 20, 2019
Ruth Grube Tyler ’44
Oct. 29, 2018
Gerald H. Wolcott ’44
July 19, 2019
Lydia P. Shaw Brauer ’45
April 30, 2019
Elbert S. Kapit ’45
May 20, 2018
Ann Buciak Mort ’45
July 25, 2008
Chester A. Case Jr. ’45
Aug. 1, 2019
Betty-Jean Cooke Imus ’46, ’49G
March 28, 2012
William J. Dane ’47
July 13, 2019
Patricia P. Thompson Lindbo ’47G
June 15, 2019
Nancy D. Alexander Wheaton ’47
Feb. 13, 2018
Jane Thurlow Greene ’48
June 21, 2019
Roger C. Woodworth ’48
July 15, 2019
William F. Batchelder ’49
May 7, 2019
Walter F. Boyce ’49, ’52G
June 21, 2019
Ann E. Hahn Callanan ’49
May 20, 2019
Richard N. Cross ’49
Feb. 14, 2018
Walter A. Holden ’49, ’52G
May 13, 2019
Richard C. Mansfield ’49, ’50G
May 14, 2019
David N. Merrill ’49
June 2, 2019
Orville W. Cunningham ’49
Dec. 7, 2018
Gordon R. Blakeney ’50
May 17, 2019
Joan Day Mason ’50
Dec. 9, 2018
Stanley M. Shostak ’50
July 8, 2019
Martin F. Smith Jr. ’50, ’92JD
June 25, 2019
Carolyn Barraclough Storer ’50
Sept. 17, 2019
Alvin L. Clark ’51
May 21, 2019
Robert J. Couch ’51
Nov. 30, 2009
Donald F. Dunbar ’51
June 5, 2019
John D. French ’51
Sept. 19, 2018
W. Arthur Grant ’51
Aug. 6, 2019
Betty Greene Herrin ’51
May 31, 2019
Philip S. Yeaton ’51, ’69G
Sept. 11, 2019
Donald A. Bennett ’52
July 10, 2019
Anita Kichline Caswell ’52
May 31, 2019
Frank M. Graham ’52
July 26, 2019
Norman P. Smith Jr. ’52
May 22, 2019
Janet Mallett Stiles ’52
July 12, 2019
David A. Berry ’53
Aug. 13, 2019
Edward Chin ’53G
July 9, 2019
Stewart C. Harlow ’53
Aug. 19, 2019
A. Harding Margeson ’53, ’54G
July 7, 2019
Charles R. McLoud ’53
Sept. 8, 2019
Harold H. Owen Jr. ’53G
July 18, 2019
Jean Clapp Smith ’53
Nov. 18, 2018
Ralph E. Stevens Jr. ’53
May 1, 2019
Marilyn R. Turner Campbell ’54
June 22, 2019
Ray S. Cragin ’54
Sept. 5, 2019
Charlotte Strobridge Davis ’54
June 16, 2019
L. Robert Dumont ’54
June 29, 2019
Joan Bickum Johnson ’54
Jan. 3, 2019
Robert C. Lear ’54
July 13, 2019
Calvin B. Yeaton ’54
Sept. 29, 2018
Ann Oslund Mann ’54
Sept. 5, 2019
Harry S. Beaudin ’55
Aug. 1, 2019
Gene A. Reeves ’55
May 8, 2019
Richard B. Shepardson ’55
Aug. 4, 2019
Lynne Dickinson Talbot-Grimshaw ’55
March 26, 2019
Patrick T. Cahill II ’56, ’57G
Sept. 1, 2019
James T. Hastings ’56
Aug. 5, 2019
Dennis E. Pendergast ’56
Aug. 29, 2019
Betty A. Raders Slesinger ’56
May 15, 2019
Stephany Staby Avren ’57
June 3, 2018
Nancy Oakes Bolan ’57
April 23, 2019
Donald K. Mullen ’57
Aug. 20, 2019
William B. Stevens Jr. ’57
Jan. 4, 2019
Conrad R. Turmelle ’57
April 3, 2018
Everett Ryan ’57
Dec. 26, 2018
William H. Brown ’58
May 20, 2019
Elizabeth Leyon Dodge ’58, ’63G
April 17, 2019
C. Joseph Grandmaison ’58
July 31, 2019
Patrick J. Greene Jr. ’58, ’61G
May 22, 2019
Dean S. Louis ’58
June 16, 2019
Louise Frost Osborne ’58
June 2, 2019
Edwin R. Somero ’58
July 22, 2019
Milton J. Pappas ’58
July 26, 2019
Wallace E. Stickney ’58
June 27, 2019
John B. Burgess ’59
March 20, 2019
Marcia Wilkinson Friede ’59
Aug. 17, 2019
Estelle Leclerc Playdon ’59
Sept. 14, 2019
John F. Rand ’59
May 23, 2019
Barbara Boy Ridlon ’59
July 27, 2019
Marcia Birkenwald Stone ’59
July 27, 2019
Kenneth R. Dorval ’60
Sept. 22, 2019
Robert A. Dusseault ’60
July 4, 2019
Robert D. Lewis ’60
Sept. 15, 2019
Gary M. Perkins ’60
July 9, 2018
Thomas M. Casey ’61
Aug. 4, 2019
Richard P. Chabot ’61
Aug. 26, 2018
Robert J. Hodgson ’61
June 1, 2019
Judith Mahoney Royce ’61
May 25, 2019
Walter F. Wilson Jr. ’61
Aug. 22, 2019
Beverly Fogg Heegaard ’62
May 1, 2019
Bradley T. Lines ’62
June 10, 2019
Neil C. Goodrich ’63G
Sept. 30, 2019
John A. Sperry ’63
Aug. 24, 2019
Linda Wallace Barbour ’63
Aug. 24, 2019
Richard B. Aldrich ’64
July 10, 2019
Richard W. Borry Jr. ’64
May 25, 2019
Martin M. Cerier ’64
May 2, 2018
Stuart G. Mauer ’64
July 26, 2019
Edward J. Walsh Jr. ’64G
Aug. 5, 2019
Henry B. Wojnar ’64G
June 7, 2019
Linda R. Morris Carr ’66
Aug. 4, 2019
Earl L. Hanson ’66
Aug. 2, 2019
Phillip A. Webberson ’66
June 17, 2019
James M. Buzzell Jr. ’67
May 21, 2019
Robert J. Devantery ’67, ’71G
May 11, 2019
Joan Conway Hare ’67
March 6, 2019
Marshall J. Kotzen ’67G
March 25, 2019
Vaira Zervins Paegle ’67G
June 14, 2019
Don Bowlin ’69G
Feb. 13, 2018
Dorothy Walton Cook ’69G
June 2, 2018
Jack L. Greenbaum ’69
Aug. 30, 2018
David K. Joslin ’69
May 30, 2019
John F. Kelley ’69G
June 16, 2019
Evelyn Kem Knapp ’69G
Sept. 20, 2019
Allen S. Taylor ’69, ’80G
Aug. 29, 2019
Robert A. Ashey ’70
Jan. 5, 2019
Jefferson S. Brummer ’70
April 7, 2019
Francis W. Davis ’70G
Sept. 17, 2019
Everett A. Morse III ’70
May 26, 2019
Peter T. Pappas ’70
June 18, 2019
Bruce J. Parliman ’70
April 22, 2019
Eli W. Whitney III ’70
Sept. 5, 2019
Ben H. Swett ’71G
July 20, 2019
D. Richard Blidberg ’72
Sept. 1, 2019
Edward T. Clancy ’72
June 3, 2019
James R. Eaton ’72
Feb. 23, 2019
William E. Hludik ’72
April 20, 2018
Claudette M. Chagnon ’73
July 14, 2019
Michael K. Cote ’73
Nov. 15, 2018
Elizabeth E. Goldman Fenderson ’73, ’90G
March 3, 2019
Jonathan Foster ’73
Aug. 30, 2019
Russell P. Kott ’73
Sept. 30, 2019
John R. Levins ’73
June 28, 2018
Janice Korytko Supinski ’73
Feb. 19, 2018
Kevin J. Whalen ’73
April 7, 2019
Kevin M. Duguay ’74
July 3, 2019
Douglas R. Evans ’74
June 5, 2019
Raymond G. Gauthier ’74, ’77G, ’79G
Aug. 12, 2019
Patricia L. Allen McKenna ’74
Aug. 2, 2019
Edward P. Wells ’74G
Aug. 13, 2019
Deborah Cox Wooley ’74
July 28, 2019
Leo J. Auger ’75
Dec. 8, 2018
James P. Katkin ’75
Jan. 11, 2019
Richard I. LaPalme ’75
June 11, 2019
Stephen J. Meuse ’75
June 19, 2019
Richard H. Nettleton ’75, ’77G
May 31, 2019
Wayne F. Scheyd ’75
July 5, 2019
Martha A. Ward ’75
Jan. 18, 2019
Bradley J. Young ’75
July 28, 2019
Samuel A. Bowring ’76
July 17, 2019
Gary A. Dunn ’76, ’78G
Feb. 25, 2019
Richard F. LaBranche ’76
June 16, 2019
Steven A. Chapin ’77
June 30, 2019
Scott C. Houle ’77
March 22, 2018
J. Peter Mulhern ’77
Aug. 25, 2019
Laine E. Sprague ’77
June 5, 2019
Brian G. Greenwood ’78
June 4, 2019
Edward J. Jerome ’78G
Sept. 18, 2018
Katherine A. Hudson Sikes ’78
June 20, 2019
Geraldine Stone Donahue ’79
Aug. 5, 2019
Norma J. Smith Moore ’79G
Sept. 17, 2019
Sidney H. Seamans ’79
May 20, 2019
Robert J. Veiga ’79JD
July 7, 2019
Carol A. Sandberg Hay ’80
June 24, 2019
Claudette Labonte Mahar ’80
Aug. 4, 2019
Joseph E. McAloon ’80
April 14, 2019
Donald L. Wood Jr. ’80
July 8, 2019
Ned H. Finkel ’81
May 21, 2019
Thomas A. Fredenburg ’81JD
May 27, 2019
Mary H. Hillier ’82
Dec. 26, 2018
Peter T. Maynard ’82
June 11, 2019
Linda E. Evanson Sinotte ’82
Feb. 23, 2019
Daniel C. Westcott ’82
March 6, 2018
Cynthia Poulton Karabelas ’83
June 18, 2019
Susan M. Keefe ’83G
May 27, 2019
Debra J. Littlefield ’83
July 31, 2019
Gerald T. Clauson ’84
July 26, 2019
David N. Quimby ’84
April 25, 2019
Margaret J. Walsh ’84
Aug. 3, 2019
Cynthia L. Jupp-Jones ’85
Aug. 31, 2019
Stella T. Ouellette ’85
Aug. 8, 2019
Janice Langille Walsh ’86G
Aug. 11, 2019
Catherine M. Inglese ’87G
July 24, 2019
Philip T. O’Leary ’87
May 29, 2019
James A. McGaffigan III ’88
Feb. 14, 2019
Barbara Rindfleisch ’88
May 16, 2019
Laura M. Morse Forest ’89
May 24, 2019
Liliane I. Fauteux Gamache ’89
March 24, 2019
Patricia B. Schwartz ’89G, ’94G
Aug. 13, 2019
Matthew H. Lee ’90
Sept. 1, 2019
Rebecca Rineer O’Connor ’90
Aug. 14, 2019
Christine M. Caron-Situmorang ’92
Aug. 7, 2019
Paul V. Edwards ’92, ’96JD
May 2, 2018
Meredith A. Lilly Ricker ’84, ’92
Nov. 18, 2018
Martin F. Smith, Jr. ’92JD
June 25, 2019
Joseph A. Ernst ’93JD
April 30, 2019
Elizabeth A. Hauger ’93
July 14, 2019
Teresa C. Tucker ’93JD
June 13, 2019
Anne H. Hunter ’94G
Sept. 1, 2019
Jill K. Phelps Griffin ’95
Sept. 15, 2019
Wayne W. Whicher ’95
June 14, 2019
Ellen L. Karlsen-Kelsall ’93, ’96, ’98G
Aug. 10, 2019
Daniel C. Pinard ’97
May 20, 2019
Reta Lindsey Taubert ’97
Jan. 10, 2018
Matthew S. Ashner ’99
Feb. 6, 2018
Jaime L. Smith Gault ’00, ’08G
May 26, 2019
Stephen W. Leavenworth ’00
Dec. 21, 2018
Juliette N. Bailat Clough ’01
Aug. 30, 2019
Jessica A. McEttrick Kaminski ’02
Sept. 12, 2019
Ajay Vasudevan ’05, ’13G
Aug. 10, 2019
Cedra L. Christiansen-Davis ’06, ’07G
June 22, 2019
Alan K. Topliff ’08
July 29, 2019
Glenn D. Klink ’09G
July 30, 2019
Jacob L. Seilheimer ’09JD
Sept. 11, 2019
Joseph S. Cheff ’15
March 11, 2019
June 13, 2019